Rue du Page 15, 1050 Bruxelles
04.12.2024 | 22.01.2025


EDJI Gallery is pleased to present Echoes of Home, a solo exhibition of new works by British-Korean artist Kayoon Anderson. This will be Anderson’s first solo exhibition with the gallery.

In this exhibition, Anderson expands her exploration of motherhood, memory, and identity, creating a deeply personal visual dialogue that spans generations. Her works express her evolving sense of motherhood and pay homage to her Korean mother and grandmother, embodying a continuum that reaches back through generations and projects forward into the future. This multi-generational perspective offers a layered reflection on familial bonds and cultural heritage, bridging her experiences between Korea and the UK.

Grounded in her observations of motherhood, Anderson’s perspective reflects both the partiality of a prospective mother and the inherited wisdom of those who came before her. The figures in her paintings exist harmoniously within their surroundings, blending seamlessly into the architecture of their environments. This balanced relationship between figure and space creates a contemplative stillness, where people and places are woven together.

Anderson’s compositions, inspired by family photographs and filtered through memory, merge reality with imagination. She draws influence from European medieval art and traditional Korean still life (Mungbando Art), crafting multi-perspective compositions that are both playful and precise. Her subtle color palette enhances the warmth and nostalgia of each scene, capturing a sense of both place and presence.

Through these layered works, Anderson invites viewers into a serene realm of everyday life, where the echoes of past generations resonate, and the future remains open. The balance she achieves between presence and absence, body and architecture, fosters a universal reflection on family, identity, and the spaces we call home.

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